Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Fuck M:I 3!!!

I am officialy boycotting Fag Boy and Braindead, or as some people call them Cruise and Holmes. Their putrid spawn can get fucked as well the minute it tears it's way out of Katie's turkey baster-fertilized cunt. I say turkey baster because there's just no way I'll beleive that Tommy boy was able to man up and deliver the goods without the help of a plastic cup, a gay mag and 16 seconds spent feverishly masturbating over the sink in the bathroom of the Scientology Celebrity Center.

C'mon, don't Tom and Katie have a right to beleive what they want?? What am I, some kind of fascist?

Fuck you. No and No.

Alright, those two can go drink all the Kool-aid they want, I could give two shits, but there is a war going on now and I'm choosing sides. What war, you may ask? The war between Scietology and people's First Amendment right to criticize, mock and ridicule it however they may choose.

For those of you who don't know about the recent removal of an episode of South Park which satirized Scientology, let me explain. The episode mocked Cruise, Travolta, and the farcical scheme that is the "Church" of Scientology, mainly by clearly and openly stating the bizarre beliefs they have (which are so far beyond ridiculous that South Park simply ran a cartoon showing the story honestly with the disclaimer along the bottom: "THIS IS WHAT SCIENTOLOGISTS ACTUALLY BELEIVE."). These beliefs are not revealed to Scientology believers for something like six years, at which point they have already paid thousands of dollars for their treatments and such.

In response, Cruise extorted Comedy Central by threatening to pull all publicity for M:I 3 airing on Comedy Central unless the rerun of the episode was pulled. The scary thing is that it was. Those cowardly bastards at Comedy Central fucking caved over a little bit of money, and once again sold out against Parker and Stone.

So fuck Comedy Central, too. (Edit: It's Viacom that owns Comedy Central, and they made the decision, so it is they who should be anally raped with a hacksaw.)

While I'm at it, fuck Isaac Hayes, fucking hypocrite slime. Chef is still a great character, though, and as far as I'm concerned that character is Hayes' only justification for ever having been alive. Now that Chef is done for, Hayes may go kill himself in whatever way he pleases.

Sign this petition http://www.geocities.com/chefgate/ to have the episode of South Park reinstated, and don't expect to see a review of and Cruise or Holmes movies on this site (because I'm not seeing another one of ther movies. If you've got balls you'll stand with me on this and help hit Cruise where it hurts.). I don't care if you are a fan of South Park or not, this issue is bigger than that. There are more people trying to control what we see and hear on a daily basis than most of us have any idea. It's time to fight back!


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